A well-designed compliance program will help foster a culture of ethics and integrity that's vital to organizational resiliency. We offer innovative compliance solutions that are cost-effective, practical and exactly customized to your organization's unique needs and objectives.
Building an Effective Compliance Program
We offer a full range of solutions across the full spectrum of program elements to exactly meet your needs. We will help you create cost effective and rational compliance solutions.
Improve Culture
Cultural problems translate directly into damage to reputation, regulatory scrutiny, loss of key talent, inability to attract new talent and other negative consequence. A poor organizational culture increases the likelihood of sexual harassment, fraud and other colleague misconduct bad behavior. These negative results translate directly into damage to reputation, regulatory scrutiny, loss of key talent, inability to attract new talent and other negative consequences. The Black Swan Navigator helps organizations identify and address diversity, sexual harassment and other cultural vulnerabilities.
We provide end-to-end solutions to help organizations identify and address diversity, sexual harassment and other cultural vulnerabilities.The Black Swan Navigator combines the need for a technology-based solution for companies that want to diagnose and correct cultural risk factors. The Navigator also leverages big data to allow companies to benchmark themselves against their own peer group and against best practices. And it provides a baseline so that companies can measure their progress over time against key culture metrics.
illustration: improve compliance performance
We can help you take your Compliance Program to the next level. Our Black Swan Partners gap analysis tool evaluates the maturity of your program against the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and other standards and best practices. The tool evaluates the effectiveness of key aspects of an effective Compliance Program across dimensions that measure people, process, governance and regulatory environment.
Black Swan helps improve compliance performance through customized advice and solutions relating to:
Oversight (senior management’s commitment to ethics and compliance; the Compliance officer with sufficient delegated authority, independence and resources; and the Board with skills and authority needed to oversee that compliance policies, systems and procedures are in place and working effectively)
Prevention (training, communications, risk assessments, policies and procedures, culture diagnostics)
Detection (compliance monitoring, third party compliance reviews, monitoring of key risk areas, compliance investigations )
Response (hotline management, Investigation and remediation)
We help organizations improve their culture by building strong compliance and governance processes to address fraud, corruption, compliance, and other regulatory and conduct risks.
Employee Benefit Compliance Support
Black Swan can help help you navigate the Affordable Care Act and other complex benefits compliance obligations to help you ensure that your benefits strategy encompasses a compliance program that limits your exposure to fines, penalties and lawsuits. We bring the right resources to make your compliance obligations easy to implement and monitor.
We can help you manage your compliance obligations by simplifying and streamlining employee benefits administration.
By easing the burden of compliance administration, you will be able to appropriately focus on the strategic priorities and the day-to-day operation of your business.
Black Swan can clarify the multitude of compliance rules and regulations to make them easier to digest and provide access to various tools to help keep their maintenance straight forward and efficient.
Our talented compliance team will proactively educate you on the complex and ever-changing laws and requirements so that your team will have the capability to stay ahead of your compliance obligations.
Detect and prevent enterprise fraud…
Our strategic partner, surveilLens™, provides a single technology solution for organizations’ risk monitoring and anti-fraud compliance programs. Utilizing big data methods, data science and machine learning capabilities, surveilLens secures and manages data across multiple systems within the enterprise. The surveilLens™ solution has use cases in multiple industries including financial services, healthcare, oil and gas, pharmaceutical and insurance.
Data Science to Achieve Compliance. Combining machine learning and sophisticated data science, surveilLens monitors and extracts patterns of suspicious activity across both unstructured and structured data sets. New rules can be easily designed and deployed by your analysts to make surveilLens further adaptive to constantly evolving fraud techniques and security threats.
Monitor 100% Of Your Transactions. surveilLens is capable of 100% coverage for your transactions and unstructured data like emails. The software is capable of processing up to 10 million transactions per day and is scalable for organizations of all sizes. Data is monitored non-intrusively.
Several Modules in One Platform. surveilLens is a comprehensive anti-fraud platform that offers all the attributes of an effective compliance program including: transaction and email monitoring, anomaly detection, third-party due diligence, network analysis, internal controls, risk assessments, case management, policies and procedures, and training and certifications.
Anomaly Tracking and Audit Trail. Anomalies are immediately tracked until resolution. A detailed audit trail is maintained for organizations to track monitoring or demonstrate compliance if required by a regulatory agency. The client’s compliance and legal teams are immediately notified of any anomalies or red flags.
Intuitive Data Visualization Tools. Clients can choose from several intuitive data visualization tools and live reports to see the status of the software, evaluate any red flags and view audit trails. The reporting features of surveilLens are easy to navigate, providing you with on-demand summarized or detailed visualization as required.
Network or Cloud Deployment. Clients can choose to deploy surveilLens™ on their network or in the cloud. Deployment is possible within days due to the configurability of the platform and its efficiency. It is designed to meet the most stringent data privacy, security and governance requirements for any organization anywhere in the world. It seamlessly integrates with current systems and extracts data with no modifications to them.
employee hotline management
We offer assistance to companies in providing their employees with a confidential and anonymous system to report inappropriate and unethical behavior in the workplace. We help clients ensure that their hotline system is accessible across the entire organization and can also be used by freelancers, vendors and suppliers. Getting the hotline system in place and performing optimally offers the following benefits:
Early Warning: Help your organization address problems before they become a crisis
Lower Risk: Reduce financial and reputational losses. Identify potential risk areas for your organization via standard reporting and robust analytics
Increase Trust: Increase employee trust in the entire process. Reduce fear of retaliation through prompt handling of allegations, keeping the reported informed and always being transparent
Meet Regulatory Standards: Enable an effective compliance program to meet regulatory standards set forth by OSHA, USFSG, OECD and FCPA
Reduce Litigation: Help prevent lawsuits against your company for negligence. Provide an alternative to whistleblowing